Installing a Fedora Guest VM
- Download Fedora LXDE Spin
- Create a new VM and point it at the Fedora iso
- Run the VM and install Fedora to the hard drive
- Remove the iso from the VM
- 'visudo' and add the following: 'paul ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
- 'sudo yum update'
- Ensure there is an optical disk attached to the VM: create if not
- Install Guest Additions Virtual Drive: Devices-> Install Guest Additions
- 'yum install dkms gcc kernel-devel'
- 'cd /run/media/paul/VBOXADDITIONS*'
- 'sudo ./VBoxLiuxAdditions'
- 'sudo usermod -g vboxsf paul'
- 'sudo mount -t vboxsf Temp ~/share'